Team KOG
Executive Committee
Carr, Jim
Mason, Bruce & Girard
Term: 11/24
Vice Chair
Joseph, Travis
American Forest Resources Council
Term: 11/25
Hampton, David
Hampton Resources
Term: 11/25
Executive Committee
Culbertson, Gordon
Whitewater Forests, LLC
Term: 11/24
Executive Committee
Mukumoto, Cal
Oregon Department of Forestry
Term: 11/24
Executive Committee
Shaw. Mike
Oregon Department of Forestry
Term: 11/23
Executive Committee
Glendenning, Bonny
Port Blakely Tree Farms
Term: 11/25
Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees
Anderson, Jerry
Hancock Forest Management
Term: 11/24
Board of Trustees
Bjornson. Pattie
Bjornson Vineyards
Term: 11/23
Board of Trustees
Davis, John
Green Diamond Resource Company
Term: 11/24
Board of Trustees
Drake, Colby
Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
Term: 11/23
Board of Trustees
Fitzgerald, Steve
OSU Research Forest
Term: 11/23
Board of Trustees
Hereford, Randy
Starker Forests
Term: 11/23
Board of Trustees
Hoey, Amanda
Oregon Wheat Growers League
Term: 11/23
Board of Trustees
Jacobs, Rodney
Stimson Lumber Company
Term: 11/23
Board of Trustees
Zenn, Rick
Oregon Small Woodlands Assoc.
Term: 11/23
Board of Trustees
Knobloch, Jenna
Sustainable NW
Term: 11/24
Board of Trustees
Kramer, Mari
Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians
Term: 11/24
Board of Trustees
Marshall, Gary
Deschutes County Fire District 2
Term: 11/24
Board of Trustees
Marshall, Knox
Murphy Company
Term: 11/23
Board of Trustees
McDaniel, Darcy
USFS - BLM Oregon/Washington
Term: 11/23
Board of Trustees
Miller, Lee
Miller Timber Services
Term: 11/24
Board of Trustees
Ruiz-Temple, Mariana
Oregon Office of State Fire Marshal
Term: 11/25
Board of Trustees
Stevens, Gene
C&G Stevens
Term: 11/25
Board of Trustees
Storm, Rex
Associated Oregon Loggers, Inc.
Term: 11/24
Board of Trustees
Whitelock, Marcia Kay
Oregon Federation of Garden Clubs
Term: 11/24
Board of Trustees
Williams, Kyle
Oregon Forest Industries Council
Term: 11/25